Aadhar KYC | apply for aadhar card | Aadhar card status enquiry phone number
Ever since Aadhaar card has been declared mandatory in India almost all the government departments, banks/financial institutes and agencies use Aadhaar to authenticate the identity of people/customers biometrically. As we all know KYC (know your customer) is a mandatory process set by the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) as a pre-condition to continue banking services without interruption. KYC process used to be carried out physically with the acknowledgment letter being posted by branch to each of its banking customers’ address. If the acknowledgement letter was received it would be considered to be the proof of respective customer’s identity and address as mentioned in bank record. While the respective acknowledgment letter provided was found undelivered returning back to the branch then KYC would be taken as incomplete.
Instead of taking pain to conduct KYC further the banks would have seized the account prompting the customers to mention genuine address with substantiating documents for second KYC. So the whole process of conducting KYC physically has been time-consuming and much irritating. But ever since the Aadhaar has been introduced as biometric document the doing KYC has become unbelievably easier and faster. With Aadhaar KYC (eKYC) becoming legally mandatory now all the government agencies have been authorized to work as authorized user agency to conduct Aadhaar KYC.
What is Aadhaar KYC?
Aadhaar KYC is a process of verifying an individual’s identity by a biometric identification at the time of opening bank accounts. The 12 digit Unique Identification Number (UID) or Aadhaar Number is used by banks for this purpose. The Aadhaar number is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The Aadhaar number is the 12 digit unique identification number issued to all Indian residents based on their biometric and demographic data.
Is Aadhaar KYC necessary for everyone?
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has mandated the usage of Aadhaar for all the personal identification purposes. If you are looking for a way to do Aadhaar KYC, you can use the e-Aadhaar facility or the mAadhaar app, or you can also use the official UIDAI website to download your Aadhaar card. A lot of people are getting confused with the usage of e-KYC and mAadhaar app, so we will try and clear up some of the confusion.
How to Do Aadhaar KYC?
There are various ways to complete Aadhaar KYC process and the most common is through SMS. Here’s how you can do it.
- Go to the company app or website you want to complete KYC for.
- Now Click on Start KYC process.
- Enter you 12-digit Aadhaar number.
- Enter the OTP.
- Your Aaadhar KYC is complete.
Significance of Aadhaar KYC/eKYC
Unlike physically carried out KYC the online Aadhaar KYC (aka Aadhaar eKYC) is a prompt biometric authentication. For e KYC the Aadhaar is checked online, by entering the details mentioned into the account of customer. If all the information such as name, date of birth, father/spouse’s name, gender, etc. are matched with each then it means the customer is genuine and bank account is activated. But keeping in view the customer’s privacy the UIDAI (statutory authority of Aadhaar) has confined KYC authentication merely to its ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. UIDAI authenticates the identity of bank customers responding in “Yes” or “No” answer when inquired for Aadhaar-based KYC by the AUAsby entering details of individual. So the Aadhaar eKYC has proved to be an unquestionable KYC compared to physical KYC, based on postal letters, signature verification, facial matching etc.
Agencies Engaged in Conducting Aadhaar KYC or eKYC
Be it bank, telecom company, financial institute, PDS, health department or educational institute, they all have been authorized now to authenticate individual’s identity online via Aadhaar card, a process known as Aadhaar KYC or eKYC. More than 300 government, public, legal and private entities in India have been designated as authentication user agencies (AUA) to conduct eKYC on 31st March, 2018. Have a look at some of the most prominent entities authorized by the UIDAI for Aadhaar KYC or eKYC.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Bharti Airtel Limited (BAL), Center of e-Governance in Karnataka, Airtel, Aircel, Central Depository Services India Ltd (CDSL), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Computer Age Management Services Private Limited (CAMS), CSC e-Governance Services, Department of Science and Technology – Gujarat, Directorate of Information Technology –Maharashtra, Fino Pay Tech, Idea Cellular Ltd, Information Technology &Communication Department in Rajasthan, Karvy Data Management Services Ltd, MasterCard India Limited, National Informatics Centre, National Payments Corporation of India(NPCI), Postal department, NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited(NSDL), Railtel Corporation of India Ltd, Reliance Corporate, Videocon, Vodafone India Limited, Softcell Technologies, Madhya KshetraVidyut Vitaran Company-MP, Telenor, Department of Food & Civil Supplies-Andhra Pradesh, ITI, etc. are some of the big giants equipped with authenticating authorities verifying biometrically the perianal details of the person.
Comment below if you have any queries regarding Aadhar KYC
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