M-Aadhaar is one of the best mobile apps that enable the users to carry the details such as the name, date of birth, gender and address. UIDAI [also known as] Unique Identification Authority of India has designed and developed a mAadhaar official mobile application. It has launched this app in order to render the best interface to Aadhaar Number holders. Through this app, they can easily carry their demographic details alongside the photo as linked with their unique number. Here is everything you need to know about mAadhaar App for Android that includes the features, benefits, downloading process, frequently asked questions and more.
M aadhaar feature was introduced by the goevrnment concerning the issues reported by some people that when they forget to take their aadhaar with them it becomes quite difficult to convince some one with a xerox of aadhaar or a mobile image of aadhaar as they dont consider them a valid id proof , most of the time it was said people travelling in trains often forget their aadhaar and have to face several issues regarding the identification , but wit =h this app it will be easier to carry valid id proof in the mobile itself and will be benefial .
Features of mAadhaar
Here are some of the excellent features of the mAadhaar app as provided below:
- It is one of the simplest ways to carry your Aadhaar number alongside the demographic information anywhere, anytime irrespective of the location.
- TOTP generation is one of the best features of the mAadhaar It is an automatic mode of generating a temporary password that can be accessed rather than an SMS based OTP.
- The users can view their updated Aadhaar profile information by sending a request for updating the profile.
- For securing the bio metric authentication, the users can easily lock their bio metric information. The residents who enable bio metric locking system can even disable it. Until you unlock the Aadhaar locking system, it may not be able to access the details.
- There is feasibility to share the QR code and password protected eKYC data to regain precise demographic details instead of sharing the details in a manual manner.
How to download mAadhaar App on an Android device?
Follow the simple steps provided below to download the mAadhaar app on your Android smartphone for free of cost:
- First of all, visit the official website of Google Play Store app store marketplace.
- On the home page of the website, you can tap the drop-down menu and choose the ‘Apps’ section.
- From the next web page, you need to enter mAadhaar in the search field and hit the search button.
- You can then tap the mAadhaar app from the search results and hit the install button.
- Download the app on your Android smartphone. After successfully downloading the app, you can open it and launch the application.
- You can then find a form that asks you to create a password prior to importing the Aadhaar profile on your mobile device.
- You can choose a password with about 8 characters that include a special character, a digit, and an alphabet in capital letters. Type the same password once again for confirmation.
- That’s all! This is the easy process to download mAadhaar App on Android phone for free.
How to Link Aadhaar Number to the mAadhaar App?
Follow the below steps to learn the procedure to link Aadhaar number using the mobile application. This way, you can easily access the Aadhaar information to your mobile device. Check out the steps below:
- At first, access mAadhaar app from your Android device and enter the password that you have set during the setup process.
- You need to create your profile by entering the Aadhaar number.
- Otherwise, you can simply scan the bar code on the Aadhaar card rather than entering the number manually.
- After that, hit the Verify button present at the bottom of the screen.
- Once the details are matched, your registered mobile number will receive an OTP.
- After receiving the OTP, you need to enter the same in the interface. Sometimes, it will take the OTP and auto fills in the respective fields.
- Once you are done with that, you can find your Aadhaar profile that includes the name, gender, registered mobile number, address, and other details.
- How to View your Profile on mAadhaar?
- First of all, open the mAadhaar app.
- Click the Profile option present on the homepage of the mobile application.
- You need to enter the password in a precise manner.
- After that, you can find the profile along with the information present on it.
- If in case, if you forget your password, you need to use the option ‘Reset Password’ and use it for accessing your profile.
How to delete your mAadhaar Profile?
Follow the simple steps provided below to delete your profile from the mAadhaar app as provided below:
- Open the mAadhaar app from your mobile device.
- Click to open the drop-down menu present at the top right corner of the screen.
- Hit the option that says ‘Delete Profile’ option.
- Provide your password and delete the profile.
Benefits of mAadhaar App
UIDAI has launched the mAadhaar app into the online Play Store. Check out some of the amazing advantages of the mAadhaar app:
- One of the excellent benefits of this app is that it doesn’t let you carry the Aadhaar card physically along with you. Instead, you can simply carry it through your smartphone app.
- Through the Time-Based One-Time Password feature, you can easily access your profile instead of accessing the OTP from your message on your device.
- One can access this app for finishing the eKYC for banks and other financial transactions. It is pretty simple to share eKYC through the service provider.
- Through this application, the users can share their data using the best 3rd party apps via NFC, barcodes, QR codes, and
Final Words
That’s all! This is everything you need to know about a mAadhaar app for Android. For more doubts, just ask us through the below comments section.
I have applied and enrolled an adhar card of my friend but did not receive EID what do i do?
Pls contact enrolment centre.