UIDAI Aadhaar

How to link aadhar card to caste certificate? | aadhar-uidai.in

Link Aadhar card to Caste Certificate | aadhar card link | Apply for Aadhar card 

To help the poorest ones belonging to underprivileged section of the society in India, the government has now planned to prepare data of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes authenticated biometrically by Aadhaar card. In sequel of linking all the government services and schemes with Aadhaar card the government of India has now taken into its ambit caste as well mooting out a plant to link Aadhar card to caste certificate and domicile certificate issued by the local administration (revenue department) of state.

Ever since the government of India has issued a circular instructing the state authorities to enroll local SC/ST and Switch Aadhaar and link Aadhar card to the caste certificates the people of deprived section have become very optimistic of their glorious future hoping it would herald prosperity, happiness and aggrandizement in their life.

But there are yet many drawbacks in linking the Aadhar card to caste certificate as obtaining even the caste certificate and domicile certificate from local administration has been a most herculean task to be accomplished for the financially weaker ones so how can they link their Aadhar card to caste certificate or domicile certificate is a question to be dwelt on. Only propagating that linking the caste certificate with Aadhaar will pave the way for admission in professional colleges for higher education and to prestigious jobs will not be of any significance for the socially deprived ones of the society provided issuance of certificate is not made easier.

States will Link Aadhar Card to Caste Certificate/Domicile Certificate

Well aware of such age-old menace in India the government of India (central government) has issued a circular in which it has ordered all the states to issue caste certificate and domicile certificate to the citizens categorizing by caste like SC/ST or most backward class people.Apart from issuing caste and domicile certificates the state authorities have to enroll citizens with Aadhaar and thereafter link Aadhar card to caste certificates and domiciles as well issued by the local administration.

Is Obtaining Caste Certificate Easy?

Before celebrating enthusiastically we should contemplate on most serious menace which the SC/ST and most backward people of the country have been facing for long. How any financially weak person can link Aadhar card to caste certificate (CC) and domicile certificate (DC) on his own when obtaining both certificates is a far-fetched dream that doesn’t come true easily. So the government’s claim of providing all the facilities to the people belonging to underprivileged section of the society sounds mere gibberish.

But the states and union territories have been issued notices by the government of India to prepare data of castes certificates issued to deprived section of society and link them to Aadhar card so that personal department can provide poorest SC/ST children the scholarship, admission in professional colleges and other free services. The educated ones have been brought into ambit of golden opportunities for better jobs and governance.

Registration with Aadhaar card though is easy, obtaining caste certificate and domicile certificate has been difficult as it is issued by the administrative officials who have been extorting money to issue caste and domicile certificates. In such situations to link Aadhar card to caste certificate and domicile card for at least society’s deprived person is akin to a dream never coming true.

Linking Aadhar Card to Caste Certificate Will Put Curb on Corruption

As government of India has asked all the state governments and union territories to provide caste certificates to the people, especially the SC/ST and backward class people, the corruption to a larger extent would be finished. Those who fraudulently would have obtained the SC/ST certificate and enjoyed benefits meant for deserving ones would now be in jail due to government’s strict order to all the states to link Aadhar card to caste certificates and domicile certificates issued to the underprivileged people.

Benefits of linking Aadhar Card to caste Certificate


The SC/ST and most backward class students will by authentication with Aadhaar be easily identified and hence be provided the scholarship. The states government have been asked to link Aadhar card to caste certificates of SC/ST and MBC and avail its data to the government of India. The students of class 5th and 8th belonging to SC/ST are being linked to the Aadhaar card through the caste certificates issued by state government.Linking of Aadhar card to the caste certificate is being accomplished at faster pace substantiating how indispensable is to link Aadhar card to caste certificate of people in India.

Admission in Professional Institutes/Colleges:

As responsibility to link Aadhar card to caste certificate of underprivileged section of society has been assigned to the state governments, the people deserving reservation should not worry at all. The Aadhaar linked caste certificate will provide them all the benefits which they couldn’t have dreamnt of earlier. According to the central government’s ruling,linking Aadhar card to caste certificate is mandatory for every state so that SC/ST students get admission in IIT, IIM and other prominent universities hassle-free.

Reservation in Politics: 

Seat for electoral constituency is reserved on the basis of population. And decision of government to link Aadhar card to caste certificate has great transparency in declaring reserved constituency. So the decision to link Aadhar card to caste certificate of SC/ST has got to prove to be a boon for the deprived sections of the society.

Government Jobs: 

You might be thinking why to link Aadhar card to caste certificate when local certificate is to suffice. Despite holding caste certificate the students used to be deprived of selection by the recruiting board earlier on superficial conditions but with Aadhaar linked caste certificate the deserving candidates will not encounter any such problem as the Aadhaar is a biometric document.

Essential documents requirement

When it comes to the requirement of documents, then you must be take care of Identity proof, address proof. Let’s have a look at proofs which are highly required.

Address proof

Identity proof

These are the important documents where you must be considered. Along with them, it is also essential for you to have Affidavit for caste certificate. So, whenever you are looking forward to link aadhar card to caste certificate, then there are certain documents where you need to have and make use of it. At the same time, it is also essential for the people to focus on the proof of caste of self in general.

System to link Aadhar card to caste certificate

It is the duty of state governments to link Aadhar card to caste certificate of all the SC/ST students of 10th and 12th within a month or two of their admission in respective classes. So from issuing the caste certificate and domicile certificate to linking them with Aadhaar card is the responsibility of state government.

Who issues Aadhaar Card?

The state has been designated to link Aadhar card to caste certificate but is doesn’t generate Aadhaar card officially. The Aadhar card actually is generated by UIDAI, a statutory body working under the government of India. But responsibility of issuing the caste and domicile certificates rests on state government which has now to link Aadhar card to caste certificate as well.

Who does link Aadhaar with Caste & domicile certificate?

This job also rests on the shoulder of the state government which after issuing caste certificates to SC/ST citizens link them with their Aadhar card as it is their job to link Aadhar card to caste certificate of the people belonging to underprivileged classes of the society.

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